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A new addition to our Media Sources is Powerspace

We are happy to announce that we have just released a new media source, Powerspace. Powerspace offers native advertising placements on newsletters to more than 26 million daily readers in over 350 newsletters. This gives our advertisers the opportunity to hit...

A new addition to our Media Sources is LoopMe

We are happy to announce that we have released a new media source, LoopMe!  LoopMe offers a large scale of quality supply with access to 50K+ app bundles and sites and a reach of 2.6B monthly active users. It is specialized in global mobile in-app, mweb banner...

Work Faster with Default Settings

Campaign setup processes are pretty straightforward within the Zemanta dashboard once you are going through them daily. Sometimes there can be a lot of repetitive tasks. We now offer tools within Zemanta that will make setting up new Accounts, Campaigns, and Ad Groups...

New Targeting options are now available

We have expanded our targeting offerings within the Zemanta dashboard. We are aware of how important it is for our clients to use advanced targeting capabilities to improve advertising performance across the customer acquisition lifecycle. While targeting is seen as a...