Digital advertising is riddled with fraud. It’s a well know fact. As an advertiser do you ever wonder what the industry is doing to fight it?
At Zemanta, we’ve been working hard to prevent fraudulent traffic since day one. We’ve developed internal anti-fraud tools, we thoroughly evaluate each new network before they see advertiser budgets, and we’ve partnered with Distil Networks to detect and block bots. But that still didn’t feel like enough.
When we heard about the Trustworthy Accountability Group’s plan to tackle fraud in an industry-coordinated way, we immediately jumped on board. We joined the anti-fraud working group to create better methods and processes for fighting fraud as an industry, not just as individual companies.
Getting everyone together was no easy task, but thanks to the hard work of the TAG leadership team we now have a framework that can spark collaboration between companies. The only way to reduce fraud is to restrict its air supply — stopping the flow of money on to it. The TAG Certified Against Fraud program that is being launched today is a major milestone in this fight and Zemanta is proud to have been a part of it from the very beginning.