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Using Research in Your Content Marketing

Data shows that 44% of marketers use some form of research as part of their content program. This figure will only continue to rise over 2016. Why? Marketers are finding that original research can be a compelling subject for ongoing programs.

Most companies engage in a research project to prove out a key product feature in their product. If you want your research output to share and talked about, forget this direction. Research projects should answer key questions from your customers. Here are some questions to consider:

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New Agency Management Tools Available in Zemanta

Agencies play a critical role in the digital marketing ecosystem. Their cross-channel planning and campaign management expertise enable brands to reach new audiences and grow their businesses. At Zemanta, our goal is to provide agencies with sophisticated, user-friendly software to scale native advertising across client accounts. To further that goal, we’re thrilled to announce some enhancements to Zemanta that finally place agency teams in the driver’s seat.

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Fighting Ad Fraud: One Impression At A Time

Digital advertising is riddled with fraud. It’s a well know fact. As an advertiser do you ever wonder what the industry is doing to fight it?

At Zemanta, we’ve been working hard to prevent fraudulent traffic since day one. We’ve developed internal anti-fraud tools, we thoroughly evaluate each new network before they see advertiser budgets, and we’ve partnered with Distil Networks to detect and block bots. But that still didn’t feel like enough.

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Introducing an Updated Publisher View: The First of its Kind for Native Advertising

In January we announced the release of Publisher View, a comprehensive report detailing all of the publisher domains in your content campaign. We combined key acquisition metrics for each publisher — media source, avg. CPC, clicks, impressions and CTR, plus the ability to blacklist — making Publisher View the first of its kind for native advertising. Today, we’re excited to take this one step further with our latest enhancements: the addition of post-click engagement and conversion metrics.

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Introducing Retargeting Ad Groups

Today we’re excited to announce Retargeting Ad Groups a new feature in Zemanta that allows marketers to retarget their website visitors across Zemanta’s 100% programmatic native supply.

Retargeting or Remarketing was originally introduced in AdWords almost a decade ago. Over time the ability to retarget customers has expanded beyond search to display, video and social. With Zemanta marketers can now extend these tactics to their content marketing campaigns too.

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